Seeking a security guard with at least two years experience working high-end retail to assist our company as an emergency flex. Position will work mostly swing hours, including weekends, mostly at a lobby environment location where hourly patrols are required. However, this position also has the security guard working at an upscale Hollywood retail store. Client prefers a large, strong security presence.
We seek a talented security guard who can work in any setting and have the good common sense to know what to do and not to do when assigned to a new environment. Part o the job will be learning managerial duties, assisting in various HR capacities such as recruiting, monitoring existing workflows, taking on sundry security tasks as needed by Company.
A willingness to work retail, building(s), residential, and at a warehouse critical.
We seek someone who can work a flexible schedule.
Decent admin and computer skills preferred
For this position one needs a black suit.
Must have a guard card
Seeking someone with good customer service skills. It would help if they are tech-friendly with a decent working knowledge of computers.
Living in or near Downtown LA or Hollywood helps