A continuación, se proporciona la descripción del puesto en español
Job Summary
The Retail Associate at RWB Thrift performs multiple tasks and processes associated with thrift operations, demanding attention to detail, physical endurance, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Retail Associates may be assigned to different areas within the sales floor and take pride in maintaining an orderly and clean store amidst the ever-changing inventory. Key duties include organizing clothing racks, promptly picking up items from the floor, returning products to their designated locations, addressing spills, removing potential safety hazards, and occasionally assisting customers with items behind the register area to enhance the shopping experience.
Key Responsibilities
- Greeting and assisting customers
- Maintain organization and color order on the sales floor
- Ensure the return of products to their designated locations
- Remove potential safety hazards by promptly picking up fallen items, addressing spills, and cleaning up breakage
- Organize and uphold assigned departments to organizational standards
- Prioritize attention to detail, accuracy, and timeliness in tasks
- Adhere to safety procedures and guidelines
- Fulfill other duties as assigned by the leadership team
- Ensure compliance with all company policies and procedures
- High school diploma or GED preferred
- Previous thrift, retail, warehouse, or customer facing experience is preferred, but not required
Physical Requirements
- Ability to Safely Perform Job Functions: Capable of safely and effectively performing essential job functions in accordance with ADA, FMLA, and other federal, state, and local standards, including meeting both qualitative and quantitative productivity requirements.
- Physical Strength: Must have the ability to occasionally lift and carry up to 25 lbs, frequently exert up to 25 lbs. of force, and constantly apply negligible force when handling objects.
- Endurance: Able to stand for extended periods of time.
- Manual Dexterity: Proficient in performing repetitive motions such as extending hand(s) and arm(s) in any direction and working primarily with fingers rather than the whole hand or arm.
- Fine Motor Skills: Skilled in tasks involving seizing, holding, grasping, turning, or otherwise working with hand or hands.
- Balance and Agility: Capable of maintaining body equilibrium to prevent falling on narrow, slippery, or erratically moving surfaces, as well as maintaining balance when performing agile tasks.
- Visual Acuity: Possesses clarity of vision at 20 inches or less and 20 feet or more.
- Footwear: Required to wear closed-toe shoes for safety purposes.
- Repetitive Tasks: The job involves regular repetitive motions.
Work Environment
- Atmosphere: The work environment is dynamic and characterized by a consistently busy atmosphere. The ability to thrive in a fast-paced and busy environment is essential for this role.
- Noise Level: The work environment is noisy due to the bustling activity on the sales floor and the production area. Due to the nature of our operations, the ability to work effectively in a noisy environment is a requirement for this role.
- Lighting: The work environment is characterized by bright lighting throughout the front and back of store, which is integral to our operational requirements. Due to the nature of our operations, the ability to work effectively in a bright environment is a requirement for this role.
- Interactions with Others: The role involves regular interactions with customers, donors, and coworkers, fostering a collaborative and customer-focused environment. Effective communication and interpersonal skills are a requirement for this role.
- Flexibility: The nature of this role requires a high degree of flexibility. Employees may be asked to switch tasks or departments based on operational needs. Employees are expected to work in all areas as assigned, contributing to a well-rounded and collaborative team environment.
Language Requirements
- Employees are not required to communicate exclusively in English within the workplace. However, the nature of the position may entail interactions with customers, donors, colleagues, and supervisors who primarily use English. In such instances, a fundamental understanding of written and spoken English for comprehending instructions, as well as the ability to communicate verbally and in writing in English, may be necessary.
Other Requirements
Dependability: Effective performers demonstrate regular and punctual attendance. They behave consistently and predictably; are reliable and dependable in fulfilling their professional obligations.
Integrity: Effective performers think and act ethically and honestly. They apply ethical standards of behavior to daily work activities. They take responsibility for their actions.
Humility: Effective performers recognize one's own limitations, being open to learning from others, and treating everyone with respect and dignity.
Customer Focus: Effective performers possess a strong customer focus. They demonstrate empathy, active listening, and responsiveness to ensure exceptional customer satisfaction, even if they cannot meet the customer's request. They proactively build and maintain positive relationships with customers to continually improve our services.
Composure: Effective performers maintain emotional control while managing a good deal of responsibility. They keep their composure, even under ambiguous or stressful circumstances. They demonstrate patience, allowing them to approach challenges with a calm and composed demeanor. They are adept at demonstrating emotions appropriate to the situation and continue performing steadily and effectively.
Adaptability: Effective performers are adaptable. They embrace needed change and modify their behavior when appropriate to achieve organizational objectives. They are effective in the face of uncertainty.
Attention To Detail: Effective performers observe details, promptly catch and rectify small mistakes, delivering high-quality, accurate work.
Inclusion: Effective performers create and participate in an inclusive environment. They value and respect diversity, and foster a sense of belonging for all individuals.
Team Player: Effective performers are team oriented. They identify with the larger team and their role within it. They prioritize the collective success of the team over personal achievements.
Informal Communication: Effective performers clearly and articulately convey information to others in casual or informal situations. They understand that communication happens through verbal and nonverbal cues, and are able to interpret body language accurately and use it appropriately.
Resilience: Effective performers can recover from mistakes or adjust easily to change. They sustain efforts to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.
Professionalism: Effective performers conduct themselves consistent with organizational values, policies, and standards. This requires a commitment to integrity, ethical conduct, and respect for diversity, as well as the ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders in a professional and courteous manner.
We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status. We're dedicated to adding new perspectives to the team and designing employee experiences that contribute to your growth as much as you do to ours. We value diversity and inclusion and are committed to creating a work environment that is welcoming, respectful, and supportive of all individuals. We encourage qualified individuals with disabilities to apply and will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that they have equal access to employment opportunities.
Resumen del puesto
El asociado de venta minorista de RWB Thrift hace numerosas tareas y procesos asociados con las operaciones de segunda mano, lo que exige atención al detalle, resistencia física y la capacidad de prosperar en un entorno vertiginoso. Los asociados de venta minorista pueden ser asignados a diferentes áreas dentro del piso de ventas y se enorgullecen de mantener la tienda ordenada y limpia mientras se realizan los cambios constantes de inventario. Entre sus tareas clave se incluye organizar estantes de ropa, recoger rápidamente los artículos del piso, devolver los productos a sus lugares designados, ocuparse de los derrames, eliminar posibles peligros de seguridad y, ocasionalmente, ayudar a los clientes con los artículos detrás del área de la caja registradora para mejorar la experiencia de compra.
Responsabilidades clave
- Saludar y ayudar a los clientes.
- Mantener la organización y el orden por colores en el piso de ventas.
- Asegurar la devolución de productos a sus ubicaciones designadas.
- Eliminar los posibles peligros de seguridad levantando rápidamente los artículos caídos, ocupándose de los derrames y limpiando los artículos que se rompan.
- Organizar y mantener los departamentos asignados según los estándares de la organización.
- Priorizar la atención al detalle, la precisión y la puntualidad en las tareas.
- Cumplir con los procedimientos y las pautas de seguridad.
- Cumplir con otras tareas asignadas por el equipo de liderazgo.
- Garantizar el cumplimiento de todas las políticas y los procedimientos de la compañía.
- Se prefiere diploma de escuela secundaria o GED.
- Se prefiere experiencia previa en segunda mano, venta minorista, almacén o atención al cliente, pero no es excluyente.
Requisitos físicos
- Capacidad de realizar las funciones laborales de manera segura: capaz de realizar las funciones laborales esenciales de manera segura y eficaz de acuerdo con la ADA, la FMLA y otras normas federales, estatales y locales, incluido el cumplimiento de requisitos de productividad tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos.
- Fuerza física: debe tener la capacidad de levantar y transportar ocasionalmente hasta 25 lb, ejercer con frecuencia hasta 25 lb de fuerza y aplicar constantemente una fuerza ínfima al manipular objetos.
- Resistencia: debe ser capaz de permanecer de pie durante períodos prolongados.
- Destreza manual: dominio en la realización de movimientos repetitivos, como extender las manos y los brazos en cualquier dirección y trabajar principalmente con los dedos, en lugar de toda la mano o el brazo.
- Habilidades motoras finas: habilidoso en tareas que impliquen agarrar, sostener, sujetar, girar o trabajar con las manos.
- Equilibrio y agilidad: capaz de mantener el equilibrio corporal para evitar caer en superficies estrechas, resbaladizas o que se mueven erráticamente, así como mantener el equilibrio al realizar tareas ágiles.
- Agudeza visual: posee claridad de visión a 20 pulgadas o menos y a 20 pies o más.
- Calzado: se requiere el uso de calzado cerrado para fines de seguridad.
- Tareas repetitivas: el trabajo implica movimientos repetitivos regulares.
Entorno de trabajo
- Atmósfera: el entorno de trabajo es dinámico y se caracteriza por una atmósfera con actividad constante. La capacidad de prosperar en un entorno vertiginoso y ajetreado es esencial para esta función.
- Nivel de ruido: el entorno de trabajo es ruidoso debido a la actividad bulliciosa en el piso de ventas y el área de producción. Debido a la naturaleza de nuestras operaciones, la capacidad de trabajar con eficacia en un entorno ruidoso es un requisito para esta función.
- Iluminación: el entorno de trabajo se caracteriza por tener una iluminación intensa en la parte delantera y trasera de la tienda, que es esencial para nuestros requisitos operativos. Debido a la naturaleza de nuestras operaciones, la capacidad de trabajar con eficacia en un entorno luminoso es un requisito para esta función.
- Interacciones con otras personas: esta función implica interacciones regulares con clientes, donantes y compañeros de trabajo, fomentando un entorno colaborativo y centrado en el cliente. La comunicación eficaz y las habilidades interpersonales son un requisito para esta función.
- Flexibilidad: la naturaleza de esta función requiere un alto grado de flexibilidad. Es posible que se les pida a los empleados que cambien de tareas o departamentos según las necesidades operativas. Se espera que los empleados trabajen en todas las áreas asignadas, contribuyendo a un entorno integral y colaborativo en el equipo.
Requisitos de idiomas
- Los empleados no están obligados a comunicarse exclusivamente en inglés dentro del lugar de trabajo. Sin embargo, la naturaleza del puesto puede implicar interacciones con clientes, donantes, colegas y supervisores que utilizan principalmente el inglés. En tales casos, puede ser necesaria una comprensión fundamental del inglés escrito y oral para comprender las instrucciones, así como la capacidad de comunicarse verbalmente y por escrito en inglés.
Otros requisitos
Confiabilidad: los empleados eficaces demuestran asistencia regular y puntual. Se comportan de manera consistente y predecible; son confiables y fiables en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones profesionales.
Integridad: los empleados eficaces piensan y actúan de manera ética y honesta. Aplican estándares éticos de comportamiento a las actividades laborales diarias. Asumen responsabilidad por sus acciones.
Humildad: los empleados eficac...